Nitin Prem Gambhir

War – Nitin Prem Gambhir



March 2022


Bombs are flying.
The innocents are dying.
Children are screaming.
Widows are weeping.


The brave are defying.
The tanks will pierce through young dreams.
The gunshots will silence out any loud screams.
This war will leave its mark for years.
Eyes will forever shut, before they shed more tears.
Blood red will be the color of the rivers and streams.


There is a child who lost his dad.
He is afraid to sleep coz his dreams are bad.
A bullet tore out his right arm.
Why God, he yells, I did no harm.
He was spared his life but he ain’t glad.


The smoke covers the once blue sky.
The rubble already piled up stories high.
This carnage will spread across the city for ages.
Soon prisoners will be taken and put into cages.
Lives will end before they can ever say goodbye.


There is a woman who saw her house burn.
She holds her husband tightly, but he lies in an urn.
An enemy mercilessly killed her only son.
Why God, she yells, my life already done?
It’s the same scene on every street, around every turn.


Infants need to be fed.
The mothers, they are dead.
The injured are bleeding.
But they are not conceding.
Young and old lay like lead.


All because one man wants more land.
He’s got blood on his hand.
All because one man is violent.
He wants us to be silent.




Not for sale

Eternal Optimism
